Wikipedia Eng / Fr Previous events Winston-Salem Open
DEADLINE (UTC+2) 2024-08-19 20:01:19 Category / CUT ATP 250 / 48
Location Winston-Salem United States of America Tennis court / Conditions Hard (out.)
Dates 2024-08-19 - 2024-08-25 Prize Money 779 780 USD (+ 2.48 %)
Winners Lorenzo Sonego
Ratio BWW 47.8 % (22/46)

Winner : latizada - (2024-09-02 21:29)
“ Hi Luckylosers!
Sorry for the delay in writing. I was on vacances! I was super-happy to have won my fifth title of the year. Actually, I am now the defendant of 6 trophies in the circuit. It's unbelievable!
On the bad side, my performance in the GS is being very poor lately. My purpose for the next season has to be to improve in the big tournaments.
But now, for the final part of this season, I have to be very focused to try to make it to the Masters Cup (a goal that I will share with the other GOAT Nole)
Thanks to everybody that makes this possible! ”

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#PlayerPoints defendingPointsPicksGood picksRatioWinnerRunner-upSemi-finalist-PTS
1Spain#7-Sd#4latizada 075.94024/4060.0%CoricMichelsen Cerundolo - Busta V250
2Switzerland#40Adunar 4573.04024/4060.0%CerundoloBusta Baez - Michelsen F150
3France#47Sypha Sypha071.04019/4047.5%SonegoMannarino Goffin - Safiullin SF190
4New Zealand#8-Sd#5Tono 2070.74022/4055.0%CoricMichelsen Djere - Marozsan SF290
5Netherlands#26grandje grandje1068.44024/4060.0%DarderiBusta Cerundolo - Michelsen QF45
6Norway#38chafedex  66.74019/4047.5%SonegoVukic Baez - Safiullin QF45
7Chile#22pmaister pmaister 65.94023/4057.5%BaezBusta Cerundolo - Michelsen QF45
8Serbia#10-Sd#7Tipsytime Tipsytime1063.54020/4050.0%BorgesSonego Rinderknech - Etcheverry QF45
9France#46JeanLebowski JeanLebowski 60.14019/4047.5%MichelsenDarderi Sonego - Marozsan 8e20
10Netherlands#25Monkie 1055.64019/4047.5%DarderiBusta Kotov - Safiullin 8e20
11France#21Faux Faux1052.74018/4045.0%BaezMichelsen Shang - Marozsan 8e20
12France#3-Sd#2DianeGrr 051.54018/4045.0%MichelsenCerundolo Baez - Mannarino 8e20
13United States of America#13tenedab 1050.24019/4047.5%BorgesCerundolo Baez - Michelsen 8e20
14United Kingdom#24Drivers 1049.64018/4045.0%BaezBorges Sonego - Michelsen 8e20
15Lebanon#11-Sd#8RogerCake 1046.54012/4030.0%SonegoShevchenko Cazaux - Etcheverry 8e20
16France#19SNAP 4545.24015/4037.5%ShevchenkoSonego Cazaux - Moutet 8e20
17United States of America#39ThePunisher 2043.34017/4042.5%BaezBorges Cerundolo - Michelsen 16e10
18Netherlands#35jimmycornflake 042.84014/4035.0%BaezBusta Cerundolo - Bergs 16e10
19Argentina#22srematias 1041.24017/4042.5%CerundoloEtcheverry Baez - Marozsan 16e10
20France#18dcb70 9040.94013/4032.5%BaezMoutet Cerundolo - Busta 16e10
21France#53MisterCoq  37.94014/4035.0%RinderknechMoutet Sonego - Marozsan 16e10
22France#27Paulinugo 1035.74015/4037.5%CerundoloSafiullin Rinderknech - Mannarino 16e10
23France#6-Sd#3crush 034.44015/4037.5%CerundoloMoutet Rinderknech - Mannarino 16e10
24France#59Yodra  34.13914/3935.9%BorgesCerundolo Baez - Gaston 16e10
25Argentina#37ezequiel2014 1033.64014/4035.0%SafiullinDarderi Sonego - Shevchenko 16e10
26France#71Hewbgya  32.24013/4032.5%BaezMannarino Cerundolo - Michelsen 16e10
27Australia#33Snollygoster Snollygoster4530.74012/4030.0%BaezMannarino Cerundolo - Michelsen 16e10
28France#17nuageblanc 030.14014/4035.0%SafiullinCerundolo Cazaux - Mannarino 16e10
29Poland#9-Sd#6CocoJumbo 2029.94014/4035.0%CerundoloFucsovics Rinderknech - Shevchenko 16e10
30Chile#1-Sd#1lightgas 1028.84013/4032.5%SafiullinKotov Baez - Marozsan 16e10
31France#54jeanlebosquet  25.94013/4032.5%MarozsanKotov Baez - Safiullin 16e10
32Sweden#36anekfu anekfu025.54013/4032.5%CerundoloBorges Rinderknech - Moutet 16e10
33Austria#69Brahmsodie  22.64012/4030.0%BaezMannarino Cerundolo - Etcheverry 32e0
34Switzerland#51JackPerth JackPerth15021.94011/4027.5%DarderiEtcheverry Cerundolo - Borges 32e0
35Austria#42TanqRTr7  21.14011/4027.5%CerundoloMannarino Baez - Etcheverry 32e0

35 Players. Missing members of the top20 LLTL: #2-Topper #4-Alexpp #5-Zedon57 #12-dwightcharles #14-Letaulier #15-OliFrance67 #16-Dzep #20-GollumRF

* If several players have the same points AND the same number of good picks, the ATP points are shared between these players. For more details, please read the article.

Points per good pick1234556-
Final prize LLTL rank.01020459090150250