* Best ranking ever - Rookies

# Evol Player Points PtsEvol Nb Tourn. Titles Picks Ratio
1-Tono *  New Zealand5687-1921003 / 172258.2 %
2-crush France4926-45173818 / 145456.3 %
3-AlexppAlexpp * France4520-193842 / 148556.7 %
4-lightgas Chile4231-1911007 / 177556.7 %
5-Zedon57Austria3970-2041038 / 183556.6 %
6-DianeGrr France3676-2011092 / 186758.5 %
7-LetaulierLetaulier  France3642-182786 / 136857.5 %
8-dwightcharlesdwightcharles Canada3458-190897 / 151959.1 %
9-tenedab United States of America2920-1202051073 / 186957.4 %
-+6TipsytimeTipsytime Serbia2920+4101921022 / 180556.6 %
11-CocoJumbo Poland2837+90181921 / 174652.7 %
12-2 TanqRTr7Austria2795-151572 / 105954.0 %
13-1nuageblancFrance2686-181894 / 158556.4 %
14+2FauxFauxFrance2682+2551811001 / 176556.7 %
15-2latizada Spain2599-1941033 / 179957.4 %
16-2OliFrance67France2580-202881 / 160155.0 %
17-dcb70France2410-170789 / 141255.9 %
18-PaulinugoFrance2400-192941 / 173854.1 %
19+1DriversUnited Kingdom2335+901911036 / 176058.9 %
20-1MonkieNetherlands2250-182979 / 173056.6 %
21-jimmycornflake Netherlands2205-182936 / 167655.8 %
22-SimFrance2200-171737 / 133155.4 %
23-JSPAD95JSPAD95France2135-153732 / 138652.8 %
24-JeanLebowskiJeanLebowskiFrance2116-163798 / 140556.8 %
25-Dan10nisDan10nisFrance2115-172885 / 161454.8 %
26+3SnollygosterSnollygosterAustralia1975+45170882 / 162854.2 %
27-grandjegrandjeNetherlands1960-190988 / 172957.1 %
28-anekfuanekfuSweden1954-172756 / 136055.6 %
29-3pmaisterpmaisterChile1940-751901003 / 175157.3 %
30-DzepDzepFrance1909-171836 / 147256.8 %
31+1chafedexNorway1836-141702 / 121158.0 %
32+1RogerCakeLebanon1834-171877 / 162154.1 %
33+1AdunarSwitzerland1732-171795 / 139656.9 %
34-3Toastt3Toastt3France1725-112180921 / 165155.8 %
35+3 Brahmsodie *Austria1645+160140528 / 101052.3 %
36-1ezequiel2014Argentina1630+45190984 / 183753.6 %
37-1SNAPFrance1532-191959 / 178253.8 %
38-1Mimile MimileFrance1510-171780 / 135457.6 %
39-FabulFabFabulFabFrance1480-100560 / 94959.0 %
40-TopperTopperFrance1380-70190893 / 158956.2 %
41+1srematiasArgentina1369-301901040 / 184156.5 %
42+1GollumRFGollumRFFrance1349-45140701 / 120158.4 %
43+4PilouFrance1340+90100448 / 75359.5 %
44-BBZBBZFrance1335-30248 / 38165.1 %
45- Niekvdv *Netherlands1290-90255 / 44357.6 %
46-5PrinceGagaNorway1270-150140633 / 110757.2 %
47-1MisterCoqFrance1268-202944 / 184551.2 %
48-MinijimFrance1240-101447 / 80255.7 %
-- CrusherwakeNetherlands1240-41139 / 23259.9 %
50-JackPerthJackPerthSwitzerland1216-190981 / 186052.7 %
51+2Adriano2000xAdriano2000xBelgium1190+70171773 / 142654.2 %
52-1 YodraFrance1165-170838 / 154254.3 %
53+2jeanlebosquetFrance1008+45140623 / 119152.3 %
54-GetluckyornotFrance1005-161646 / 120653.6 %
55+1Dulo40France940-160670 / 123554.3 %
56+1ThePunisherUnited States of America935-110509 / 86059.2 %
--5Mattou77France935-230130524 / 92356.8 %
58-SyphaSyphaFrance780-70160711 / 125856.5 %
59- Hewbgya *France745-130421 / 81751.5 %
60-TiaireFrance720-1096 / 12775.6 %
61-jojo59 *France710-91403 / 76252.9 %
62-LilArt84France692-120435 / 76856.6 %
63+2HugoWFrance650-60339 / 55361.3 %
64+2backhandpassUnited States of America640-60222 / 40754.5 %
65-2ggfabiFrance629-4550302 / 49660.9 %
66-2LeTennisLeTennisParaguay610-455192 / 18549.7 %
67-LaGomme40France575-91333 / 60754.9 %
68- Paulvictor *France315-3051 / 8659.3 %
69-mcatolicoUnited Kingdom305-80300 / 54854.7 %
70newPanattaPanattaItaly300new1019 / 3161.3 %
71-PalimbaFrance225-2047 / 10047.0 %
-- LoanNismanArgentina225-2097 / 18253.3 %
73-3 Servbot202Poland220-2060197 / 37952.0 %
74-1TeamStaffMeTeamStaffMeFrance125-1111 / 3135.5 %
75-1Energyx17Energyx17Sweden90-1087 / 12768.5 %
--1ClementClairFrance90-20172 / 25467.7 %
77-1hugolitoFrance55-20126 / 22256.8 %
78-1atoenupuUnited Kingdom45-1065 / 12751.2 %
--1nitsujFrance45-1080 / 12763.0 %
--1 TonyFrance45-1081 / 12763.8 %
81-1kayoo83kayoo83France10-1047 / 9549.5 %
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