Jan 2024
 Creation of a Discord server for LLTL
Nov 2023
 LLTL, the end ?
Nov 2022
 LLTL Finals 2022
 Les LLTL NextGen Finals => open de Roanne
Oct 2022
 The LLTL/WTA finals start next week !
Jan 2022
 Looking for help to add the scores and tournaments
Nov 2021
 LLTL NextGen Finals + LLTL Doubles Finals ! List of players...
Aug 2021
 EDIT : a small change to the new point scale system, to be tested during the US Open 2021
 NEW : the points scale is changed, to encourage and reward the risk takers !
May 2021
 Small change in the rankings
Mar 2021
 LLTL shirts for showing off on tennis courts!
Nov 2020
 The end of the interviews... but here comes the speech!
 LLTL double finals + LLTL NextGen Finals => list of players
 Cologne 2 - Antwerp - Istanbul Ch / DianeGrr - tib1211 - Dan10nis
Oct 2020
 StPetersbourg / Cologne 1 / Sardaigne - jeanlebosquet / Nicobref23 / Dan10nis
 Schedule for the end of the sseason
 New feature : the LLTL activity for ATP players
 WTA/Double Roland Garros - kayoo83/Topper
 Roland Garros / Parma Challenger - LeTennis / jeanlebosquet
 Hambourg / Forli - tenedab / CocoJumbo
 Rome / jeanlebosquet
Sep 2020
 US OPEN WTA / Tono-tenedab
 USOPEN / Kitzbuhel - Panatta / tib1211
 Cincinnati / Tono
 La fin d'une époque : chucknorris quitte la LLTL
Aug 2020
 Dubaï / Acapulco / Santiago - mcatolico / tib1211
Feb 2020
 srematias / ggfabi / Snollygoster - Rio / Marseille / Delray Beach
 Zedon57 - Tipsytime - NimoNimal / Rotterdam - New York - Buenos Aires
 latizada / Makanaki / mcatolico - Pune / Montpellier / Cordoba
 CocoJumbo/anekfu - First LLTL Doubles + WTA tournament !
 The first LLTL Double Rankings are generated
 atoenupu / gasgalarza - Australian Open + Newport Challenger
Jan 2020
 NEW: a dedicated chat app dedicated to the LLTL => RocketChat!
 Snollygoster / ggfabi - Adelaide / Auckland
 Faux / Alqualonde / ThomasD - Doha / Nouméa / Canberra
 NEW FEATURE: LLTL Doubles Team + WTA singles
 The Rookie of the Year 2019
Nov 2019
 End of the season + Davis Cup
 BBZ / Topper - Paris-Bercy / Eckental
 Who will be the LLTL#1 for the season 2019 ?
 Adunar - winni18 - Alqualonde / Basel - Vienna - Brest
 gasgalarza / Adriano2000x / Energyx17 - Kremlin / Antwerp / Stockholm
Oct 2019
 The LLTL Finals !
 Alexpp / Panatta - Shanghai / Mouilleron-le-Captif
 Edgar21 / PatouDur / dwightcharles - Tokyo / Beijing / Barcelone
 Cocojumbo / Faux / HTS - Zhuhai / Chengdu / Orleans
Sep 2019
 ClementClair / TeamStaffMe / Patoudur - Moselle / St Petersbourg / Kaohsiung
 hugolito / Cocojumbo - USOpen / New Haven Challenger
 ThomasD / BBZ - Winston-Salem / L'Aquila
Aug 2019
 Press conference - dwightcharles
 Adriano2000x / Cincinnati
 dwightcharles / Rogers Cup - Montréal
 BBZ / CocoJumbo / HTS - Washington / LosCabos / Kitzbühel
 TennisElbow/chucknorris/Drivers - Hambourg/Gstaad/Atlanta
Jul 2019
 Drivers/MaxlaMenace/ClementClair/Chndl - Umag/Newport/BÃ¥stad
 When latizada becomes a legend
 Dan10nis / mcatolico / wiesflecker - Antalya / Eastbourne / Milan Ch
 NEW: challenger during the second week of Gran Slam!
Jun 2019
 Halle / Queens - crush / Energyx17
 A new rule for the Challengers
 Nottingham / s'Hertogenbosch / Stuttgart - Adunar / chucknorris / winni18
 chucknorris à RG - Nicopat numéro 1 mondial !
 Toastt3 / Zedon57 / tenedab - Lyon / Jerusalem / Geneve
May 2019
 Dersch ThomasD Snollygoster => Roma M1000
 Faux à Madrid
 Munich / Estoril / Bordeaux - Dulo40 / Rapha / kayoo83
 CocoJumbo / TennisElbow - Barcelone / Budapest
Apr 2019
 hugolito affole les radars en enchaînant Marrakech et Monte-Carlo
 Miami - ggfabi
Mar 2019
 tenedab back to the top with his greatest title in career (Indian Wells)
 Edgar21 / backhandpass / mcatolico - SaoPaulo / Acapulco / Dubai
 Open 13 / Rio / Delray Beach - Nicopat / srematias / dwightcharles-gasgalarza
Feb 2019
 kayoo83/latizada/Derff - NewYork/BuenosAires/Rotterdam
 Montpellier/Cordoba/Sofia - chucknorris/grandje/mcatolico
 2019 Open d'Australie - Makanaki
Jan 2019
 Guess who's back ?
 The LLTL on stand-by mode
Nov 2018
 Adunar, the king of the LLTL Finals is back !
 The fisrt Next Gen LLTL FInals won by Rapha
 The last tournaments of the year
 The LLTL Finals 2018
Oct 2018
 The last 3 ATP250 for Faux, backhandpass and Makinaki
 L'hallucinante série de Nicopat se poursuit pendant que les vieilles gloires sombrent
 Rankings and sub-rankings !
 Les favoris s'effondrent en finale pour permettre à crush et gasgalarza de remporter un nouveau 500
 Une (trop?) grosse réussite pour l'arrivée des Challengers !
Sep 2018
 High level ATP250 (!), nuageblanc and Derff awarded
 Few changes on the website - a new challenger and a tournament recap
 L'USOpen 2018 couronne Nicopat !
Aug 2018
 Small improvment of the stats
 Second title for gasgalarza
 New records for Adunar
 Another title for Adriano2000x, Adunar and tenedab
 Une nouvelle triplette de 250 récompense dcb70, josemobilette et anekfu
Jul 2018
 Wimbledon and the small challenger in Russia
 Few modifications on the website
 Kayoo and crush awarded at London and Halle
Jun 2018
 Adriano2000x and tenedab grabbed the first titles on grass
 Latiza forever !
May 2018
 Vincerick and Adunar won the titles at Madrid and Roma
 Barcelone et Budapest pour ggfabi et chucknorris
Apr 2018
 Adunar is back in business, watch out !
 Nuageblanc and tenedab win titles on clay
 Srematias keeps his trophy at Miami !
Mar 2018
 Backhandpass rafle le titre sur le fil à Indian Wells !
 Xantilope and anekfu got the title, latizada increases the gap !
 Nuageblanc, srematias et Dersch got the title this week
Feb 2018
 The titles for dcb70 and gasgalarza
 Three titles this week !
 Latizada is the new king of the game !
Jan 2018
 The first titles of the season for chucknorris and JSPAD95
Dec 2017
 The top20 for mcatolico
 And the frogs finally won a Davis Cup...
Nov 2017
 Tib1211's great season ends with a new trophy at the Masters
 tenedab gets the podium !
 Huge suspens before the Masters !
Oct 2017
 Chucknorris's first big title, a new challenger for the Masters !
 The fall of the ex big stars
 Dan10nis and Adriano2000x are back in business !
Sep 2017
 A Gran Slam et la place de numéro 1 mondial pour taoistwizard !
Aug 2017
 So many surprises at Cincinnati !
 Yoyo chez les vieilles gloires de la LLTL
 Late interview with EvilScootus
 First title for tenedab, while srematias is crushing his opponents
Jul 2017
 ggfabi and srermatis share the title at Wimbledon, and srematias is the new number 1 !
Jun 2017
 You can't stop Topper ! ANd congrats to dcb70 and chucknorris for a new title
 The grass season starts with a title for Vincerick and josemobilette !
 Topper's triumph ! Our new number 1 !
 New title for JSPAD95 (and A.Zverev)
May 2017
 Another great performance from srematias (and Nadal) !
 Makanaki, Vincerick, atoenupu win an ATP250
Apr 2017
 tib1211's boldness is rewarded at Monte-Carlo !
 The clay season starts with a title for dcb70 and olaflebataf
 Hat trick for Roger Federer, and the title for srematias
Mar 2017
 Federer and Vincerick reach the top at Indian Wells
 In case of a tie : small change in the rules
 Another title for atoenupu and Adriano2000x !
 A new week with two tournaments, and the tiles for Dan10nis and Adriano2000x
Feb 2017
 The split-in-3-tournaments awards Adunar, josemobilette and kayoo83
 A first ever : choose your tournament among 3 events
 Huge domination for the Swiss at the AO 2017 ! Roger & Chip are back !
Jan 2017
 Un 1er titre pour olaflebataf à Doha + son interview complète 2016/2017
 L'interview 2016/2017 d'anekfu
 First title of the year for mcatolico at Brisbane
 L'interview 2016/2017 de chucknorris
 L'interview 2016/2017 de Dan10nis
Dec 2016
 The season 2017 starts today... with new features !
 L'interview 2016/2017 de Topper
 Adunar's big interview 2016/2017
 Interview 2016/2017 de josemobilette
 The Davis Cup 2016 for daviscupchamp (what a coincidence)
 Interview 2016/2017 de kayoo83
 La grande interview fin 2016 / début 2017 d'Adriano2000x
 josemobilette two times champion at the top20 !
Nov 2016
 The LLTL/ATP Masters for the world number 1 !
 New title for the Brits in Paris
 The LLTL Masters ! Explanations
 Basel 2016 : New title for chucknorris and Marin Cilic
Oct 2016
 The British players are the stars of Shanghaï
 Vincerick and Kyrgios were the best players of the Japan Open
Sep 2016
 First title for Minijim and Pouille !
 Adunar and Switzerland at the summit !
 Backhandpass enjoys the surprising victory of CIlic at Cincinnati !
Aug 2016
 The gold medals for srematias and Murray
 OG : rules, ranking points and bronze medal
 Rogers Cup 2016 : back to normal
 1st ATP 500 for Monfils and babass !
Jul 2016
 Wimbledon, enfin un changement de leader !
Jun 2016
 First title of the year for huss at Nottingham
 atoenupu's first title at the Queen's
 Adunar crashes his opponents at the French Open
May 2016
 The first title ever for chucknorris, in Rome
 First participation and first title for skilim !
 We're trying to contact skilim
Apr 2016
 A third title for anekfu, at Bucharest
 Monte-Carlo : titles for kayoo83 and Nadal
 Miami for the ranked number 1
Mar 2016
 The swiss superiority in Indian Wells
 Acapulco 2016 : new surprises !
Feb 2016
 New surprises in Rotterdam
 Montpellier : new title for Vincerick
 Rotterdam + Montpellier ending
 Australian Open 2016 : the LLTL is once again more surprising than the ATP !
Jan 2016
 Brisbane 2016 : interviews
 Brisbane ending + new rankings + TOP 20
 Reform of the rankings
Dec 2015
 josemobilettes wins the 2015 top 20 !
Oct 2015
 Shanghai 2015 : 1st title for JSPAD95
Sep 2015
 Moselle Open 2015 : a new record !
 US Open 2015 : the winners are Djokovic and Airwolf110
 Day 5 : rankings at the USOpen 2015
Aug 2015
 Interviews of the winners at Montreal and Cincinnati
 Gstaad and Atlanta : interviews
Jul 2015
 Wimbledon, anekfu's triumph
 LLTL calendar for July and August
 Wimbledon 2015, rankings after the 2nd round
Jun 2015
 Interviews after the 2015 Nottingham Open
 The winner at Stuttgart 2015
 The rotten racket of Stuttgart
 Compare your performances with another player !
 French Open 2015 : prizes, interviews, ending
 End of the French Open, and start of the grass season this week !
 RG 2015 : rankings + interview
May 2015
 French Open 2015 - Interview - Elnino09
 M1000 Rome 2015. Interviews
 Madrid : end of the tournament and interviews
 Madrid ending + Roma
 Madrid 2015, rankings and interviews after day 2
 Madrid 2015 : 7 qualifiers + 1 lucky loser + 2 matchs played
 Madrid 2015, let's go !
Apr 2015
 Amazing documentary about doping in Russia
 New rankings (2015-04-27)
 Bucarest 2015 ends : interviews
 Monte-Carlo ending, and interviews
 First days at Monte-Carlo 2015
 2015 Clay season
 New rankings (2015-04-06) + next tournament
 First time for zebast, our unlucky loser at Miami 2015
 Miami 2015 : focus on Blooper
Mar 2015
 Miami 2015, rankings after 73 matchs
 Miami 2015 : end of the 1st round
 Indian Wells 2015 : lucky winner and unlucky loser !
 New rankings + next tournament
 Djokovic and the medias
 Only 3 matches remain before the end of IW 2015
 IW 2015 : we already know our unlucky loser + ERRATUM
 Indian Wells 2015 : tweenerschaez leads after the 4th round
 Titles records for current players
 Interview with Vincerick, after the 2nd round
 The higher ranked player wins in 70% of the matches of our database
 New rankings
 Dubai Open ending
Feb 2015
 RSS feed
 Kayoo83 leads, 4 players can win the title
 End of the 1st round at Dubaï
 Lucky Loser : Coric instead of Kohlschreiber
 Make your picks for Dubaï Open 2015
 The 2015 Rotterdam Open - final scores
 Unlucky losers interviews !
 Only 2 players can win The Rotterdam Open 2015
 2015 Rotterdam Open, end of the 1st day and sushinterview
 Make your picks for the 2015 Rotterdam Open
 Clôture de l'OA et interview du vainqueur
 New Rankings !
 Unluckyloser : interview de kayoo83
Jan 2015
 Plus que 5 matchs pour l'OA 2015. Profitons-en pour aller voir ce qu'il se passe à la fin du classement.
 Ranking after the 3rd round : easy lead for anekfu
 End of the first round ! ChipAndChargeDaez leads, with 51 points.
 Qualifiers updated + OA ending
 Make your picks for the Australian Open 2015 !
 Interview du vainqueur de l'Open de Doha
<= =>
Mega Patate
Big Lose
Hard indoor
Hard outdoor