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DEADLINE (UTC+2) 2017-07-24 11:02:35 Category / CUT ATP 500 / 32
Location Hambourg Germany Tennis court / Conditions Clay
Dates 2017-07-24 - 2017-07-30 Prize Money 1 499 940 EUR
Winners Leonardo Mayer
Ratio BWW 45.2 % (14/31)

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#PlayerPoints defendingPointsPicksGood picksRatioWinnerRunner-upSemi-finalist-PTS
1United States of America#13-Sd#6tenedab  423118/3158.1%KhachanovKohlschreiber Ramos-Vinolas - Kuznetsov V500
2France#6-Sd#4JSPAD95 JSPAD95 353115/3148.4%Ramos-VinolasPaire Delbonis - Schwartzman F300
3France#7-Sd#5dcb70  313114/3145.2%Ramos-VinolasPaire Ferrer - Cuevas SF1150
-Austria#27Makanaki  313114/3145.2%Ramos-VinolasSchwartzman Khachanov - Haas SF1150
-France#4-Sd#2taoistwizard taoistwizard 313114/3145.2%Ramos-VinolasPaire Khachanov - Cuevas SF1150
6Switzerland#3-Sd#1Adunar  303114/3145.2%Ramos-VinolasPaire Ferrer - Cuevas QF90
7Sweden#5-Sd#3anekfu anekfu 293113/3141.9%FerrerSchwartzman Verdasco - Paire QF90
8Belgium#17-Sd#8Adriano2000x Adriano2000x 273112/3138.7%CuevasKhachanov Verdasco - Paire QF90
9France#28Derff  273111/3135.5%Ramos-VinolasCuevas Berlocq - Kohlschreiber 8e45
10France#16-Sd#7chucknorris chucknorris 263112/3138.7%FerrerRublev Verdasco - Kuznetsov 8e45
-Austria#32Krambambulli  263112/3138.7%CuevasRamos-Vinolas Ferrer - Simon 8e45
12Australia#18EvilScootus  253112/3138.7%CuevasRamos-Vinolas Bedene - Paire 8e45
13France#21josemobilette josemobilette 243111/3135.5%PaireRamos-Vinolas [LL] Hernandez-Fernandez - Cuevas 8e45
14France#24ggfabi  223110/3132.3%CuevasRamos-Vinolas Khachanov - Paire 8e45

14 Players. Missing members of the top20 LLTL: #1-srematias #2-Topper #8-Vincerick #9-mcatolico #10-kayoo83 #11-Dan10nis #12-atoenupu #14-olaflebataf #15-ChipAndChargeDaez #19-latizada #20-tib1211

* If several players have the same points AND the same number of good picks, the ATP points are shared between these players. For more details, please read the article.

Points per good pick123445-
Final prize LLTL rank.04590180180300500
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