Wikipedia Eng / Fr Previous events Braunschweig Open
DEADLINE (UTC+2) 2019-07-08 11:01:31 Category / CUT Challenger / 48
Location Braunschweig Germany Tennis court / Conditions Clay
Dates 2019-07-08 - 2019-07-14   
Winners Thiago Monteiro
Ratio BWW 57.4 % (27/47)

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#PlayerPoints defendingPointsPicksGood picksRatioWinnerRunner-upSemi-finalist-PTS
1France#25-Sd#1kayoo83 kayoo83 213916/3941.0%RuudDellien Laaksonen - Travaglia V125
2Sweden#46-Sd#4Energyx17 Energyx17 203916/3941.0%RuudDellien Rosol - Molleker F75
3Netherlands#34-Sd#3grandje grandje 203915/3938.5%RuudDellien Laaksonen - Ymer SF145
4Belgium#31-Sd#2Adriano2000x Adriano2000x 183915/3938.5%DellienRuud Rosol - Molleker SF245
5France#51-Sd#5Dulo40  123912/3930.8%RuudDellien Majchrzak - Travaglia QF25

5 Players. Missing members of the top20 LLTL: #1-Nicopat #2-Makanaki #3-latizada #4-chucknorris #5-Adunar #6-tenedab #7-Dan10nis #8-Xantilope #9-gasgalarza #10-JSPAD95 #11-ggfabi #12-srematias #13-crush #14-backhandpass #15-ThomasD #16-Faux #17-anekfu #18-Toastt3 #19-TennisElbow #20-hugolito

* If several players have the same points AND the same number of good picks, the ATP points are shared between these players. For more details, please read the article.

Points per good pick1234556-
Final prize LLTL rank.001025454575125
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