Wikipedia Eng / Fr Editions précédentes Chile Open
DEADLINE (UTC+2) 2023-02-27 18:00:00 Catégorie / CUT ATP 250 / 28
Lieu Santiago Chili Surface / Conditions Terre battue
Dates 27/02/2023 - 05/03/2023   
Vainqueurs Nicolas Jarry
Ratio MCG 44.4 % (12/27)

Unlucky loser : LeTennis - (22/03/2023 15:57)
“ ”

Vainqueur : latizada - (06/03/2023 12:57)
“ Hi luckylosers!
I am very happy to have won the Chile Open! Let's hope some year I can win Rio to have the four titles from the SouthAmerican clay tour.
I made the right choice to play the entire clay tour. The atmosphere is truly amazing in everytournament, the opponents are really passionate. I love this part of the season
I would also like to congrat CocoJumbo. Amazing performance this month, with 2 finals and 1 semi-final. If you keep working this hard, we'll see you soon in the top 10
Let's hope that the change to hard courts is not very harmful now for all of us having been at Chile. I love IW despite I have not been able to perform very well there (by the way, I was trying to check past IW results and I could not make it, anyone can help?)
Thanks a lot! ”

Finaliste : CocoJumbo - (06/03/2023 09:00)
“ Congratulations latizada for the win. Your consistency is mighty impressive. ”

Afficher/Masquer les lignes vides
#JoueurPoints à défendrePointsNb PronosCorrectsRatioVainqueurFinalisteDemi-finalistes-PTS
1Espagne#9-TDS#1latizada  31.32713/2748.1%BaezJarry Musetti - Cerundolo V250
2Pologne#59-TDS#6CocoJumbo  26.72710/2737.0%BaezJarry Ramos-Vinolas - Lajovic F150
3Argentine#18-TDS#3srematias 15021.32711/2740.7%Lajovic[LL] Taberner Ramos-Vinolas - Baez SF190
4Serbie#21-TDS#4Tipsytime Tipsytime 21.02711/2740.7%[LL] TabernerLajovic Ramos-Vinolas - Djere SF290
5Nouvelle-Zélande#14-TDS#2Tono  20.22710/2737.0%MusettiLajovic Jarry - Djere QF45
6Paraguay#41-TDS#5LeTennis LeTennis2011.3276/2722.2%Cerundolo[LL] Taberner Musetti - Baez QF45

6 Joueurs. Membres du top20 LLTL absents du tournoi : #1-Zedon57 #2-PrinceGaga #3-BBZ #4-MaxlaMenace #5-siggy #6-Sim #7-grandje #8-Toastt3 #10-lightgas #11-crush #12-Drivers #13-jimmycornflake #15-Letaulier #16-JeanLebowski #17-pmaister #19-backhandpass #20-gasgalarza

* En cas d'égalité sur le nombre de points ET sur le nombre de pronostics justes, les primes ATP sont partagées entre les égalités. Voir l'article détaillé pour plus de détails

Points par prono juste123445-
Prime finale class. LLTL020459090150250