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CocoJumbo / TennisElbow - Barcelone / Budapest

Nelson Loser - 2019-05-07 20:37

CocoJumbo - Barcelone Open
TennisElbow - Hungarian Budapest Open

Nelson : Congratulations for your first title among the LLTL ! Both of you reached the trophy at your 10th attempt, which is a great performance regarding the increasing number of players. What made the difference in your preparation ?

CocoJumbo : There was a bit of luck involved as usual and betting against Nadal was the main separator.

TennisElbow : Thanks, I've already had some pleasing performances this year, but on this occasion only 12 of us entered the Hungarian Open, so that made it easier to cross the line first!

Nelson : You 2 joined the league in january. What should the 1st thing to improve on the website from your point of view ?

CocoJumbo : About the website I think the navigation was a bit tricky at the beginning and to know that I can bet on top20 as well. To be honest I did not read the rules so far but Nelson was able to help me with all the questions.

TennisElbow : It's an interesting format and a relaxed website so I wouldn't want you to change any of that. Have you ever thought of including a women's tournament?

Nelson : well, we have thought about it, but to be honest i'm not sure we will work on that kind of evolution. Too much work for it. I would be much more interested in adding a double tournament feature. We'll see...
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